ЕСПБ (Европейская Сеть Против Бедности) приняло решение организовать первые Учебный Форум ЕСПБ 2013 году с 21-25 Мая в Лауласмаа, Эстонии. Учебный Форум будет открытой встречей руководимой её членами, которая будет обсуждать центральные вопросы развития ЕСПБ. Форум задуман как открытая площадка, которая ценит работу членов и позволяет получить вдохновение от других инициатив...

На учебном форуме СОЗД проведёт также воркшоп по теме "Борьба с молодёжной бедностью", а также расскажет о своих лучших практиках..

Учебный форум будет представлены по 2 представителя из каждой национальной сети и по одному представителю от Европейских организаций. От Эстонии Силламяэское Общество Защиты Детей и руководство местной сети ЕСПБ.

ЕСПБ совместно организует мероприятие со своим глобальным партнёром Dignity International, обучаюсь на учебных сессиях  "GET ORGANISED" , что они организовывают уже годами. EAPN покрывает расходы связанные с участием  80 участникам и со стороны Dignity International 20-30 участников.

Dignity International - это глобальная организация по борьбе с бедностью - www.dignityinternational.org.


From 21st to 25th May 2013, in Laulasmaa, Estonia, EAPN held its first EAPN Learning Forum, together with its global partner Dignity International, a global anti-poverty organisation, bringing together partners from different continents of the world. 

The Learning Forum was an open member-led meeting addressing core issues for EAPN’s development as a strong anti-poverty network, and an open space to value the work of the members and to get inspiration from each other’s initiatives.  

Fintan Farrell, Director of EAPN, presented the event in advance:

"The time we spend together in Estonia will deepen our knowledge of what is happening in relation to poverty and inequality in each country and to know deeper the impact of the EU policies.

We will also know better how our members, NGOs active in the fight against poverty, are  responding to the current reality and this will strengthen our lobbying actions towards the National and European Institutions in relation to the need to have greater social impact assessment of economic policies, the need for cooperation between Member States to achieve common high level social standards and the need to ensure that the next round of EU Structural Funds has a greater capacity to address poverty and social exclusion.

A unique feature of our gathering in Estonia will be the presence of NGO representatives from Asia, Africa and South America.  I am sure our discussions and our future actions will be enriched by hearing from their experiences."

Access here:


Meri Terzieva & Sashko Iovanov (Macedonian EAPN): Organising campaigns/citizen initiatives without any resources
Isabel Allende (EAPN Spain): Building a national civil society platform and structured dialogue with the Government - the case of EAPN Spain
Douhomir Minev (EAPN Bulgaria): Participatory research as a tool to democratize policies
Johanna Engen & Laila Wolles (EAPN Norway): Setting up self-organized groups of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion
Hjördís Kristinsdóttir (EAPN Iceland): Working with young adults with few opportunities
Richard Finch & Tracy Nuthall (EAPN UK): Collaboration and consortia in project delivery
Dignity International - Jan Satyagraha – Building International Solidarity: A case study on the Indian Land Reform Campaign by Ekta Parishad
Anatole Kontsybovsky & Elke Vandermeerschen (EAPN Belgium): Social Changes Through Art
  • Handout - EN - FR
Laufey Ólafsdóttir (EAPN Iceland): Single parents and housing issues
Atilla Mester & Danka Orobej (EAPN Hungary): Community organizing in anti-poverty work
Dignity International - Campaign on the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR)
Ian Johnston (IFSW): Social Workers perspectives
Vassili Golikov (EAPN Estonia): Strategies to fight poverty with young people with fewer opportunities
Julio Paiva (EAPN Portugal): Building a strong national anti-poverty network: the case of EAPN Portugal
Dignity International - International and Regional Human Rights Mechanisms for ESCR

Estonian context

Estonian Parents' Association, member organisation of EAPN Estonia
Marjamaa community 


Here are the collective photo-albums from the 4 days – with a big thank you to the photographers: Nele Hendrikson, Sasho Jovanov, Stanislav Mrozek, Alexandre Jutant, Goran Dahlberg, Rebecca Lee, Carmen Pamplona, Saviour Grima, Birgitta Oberg, Amana Ferro, Georgina Galanopoulou and Gianni Papa: