EYM2011 19 - 24.07.2011

International youth event European Youth Meeting for Sustainable Development 2011 took place in Tallinn from 19.07-24.07 with participants from all around Europe and representatives from India, Philippines, Cameroon and elsewhere, with the purpose of advancing youth role in sustainable development.  Six months of preparation saw the completion of a 10 member organisational committe and in April a preparatory meeting took place inTallinn. 
Participant were selected through an application round where a 500 applications arrived, through a selection process 120 people were selected.

19.07 was the Opening Ceremony in Town Square, a cultural and education event with a diverse program with participants and speakers from Estonia and elsewhere. It was open to all interested. The opening speech was conducted by Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves. The creative program was conducted by Aarne Saluveer.

The main work of the Meeting took place in working groups divided into subthemes such as:
- Natural resources;
- Education for sustainable development;
- Urban development;
- Waste management;
- Agriculture;
- Social wellbeing;
- Renewable energy.

Every working group worked out within their theme the main challenges and solutions, which were gathered together into one statement, presented for the first time in the reception on 23.07. in the House of the Black Heads.
 The statement was made public electronically and for the advancement of local initiatives within that framework, a monitoring and evaluating system has been developed and set up on the official website.

The Meeting wass supported by Council of Europe, Environmental Investment Centre, Tallinn City Government and the Kingdom of the Republic of Netherlands. Among the partners are European Youth Forum, EarthSummit2012, Stakeholder Forum, Russian Union of Youth, Dutch Youth Council, Rio+Twenties and many others.


On the website you can find all documents and results