Non-governmental organization Sillamäe Lastekaitse Ühing (Sillamäe Society of Child Welfare from this point forward the Society) - is a public interest nongovernmental organisation that was created December, 8th in 1989, previously named Union of Large Families.
1.1 The Society is a citizen’s initiative non-governmental organization acting in public interest.
1.2 Society’s official name is “Sillamäe Lastekaitse Ühing”, in English the name “Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare” is used.
1.3 The location of the Society is Sillamäe Ida-Virumaa county.
1.4 The business year for the Society begins at January 1st and ends at December 31st..
1.5 The Society is termless
1.6 The Society is a non-profit organization, whose legal capabilities arise from being added to the appropriate register.
1.7 The Society is driven in its actions by the Estonian NGO laws, other legal documents, the statue in question and the decisions of the general assembly.
2.1 The objective’s of the Society’s activity are joining child- and youth work programmes; raising awareness of children’s right among adults and children; supporting diverse development of children and young people in everyday life; creative approach and developing new methods; creating a system aimed at problem prevention and joint activity towards realising it; networking and cooperation with other child and youth work organisations in Estonia and abroad; standing for the Society’s members’ rights.
2.2 To realise it’s objectives the Society works as follows:
2.2.1 drafts proposals for governmental organizations on the local and national level;
2.2.2 signs contracts;
2.2.3 organises culture events, and educational courses, seminars, camps, training-courses, conferences and counseling and other activities based on non-formal methods and creative approach
2.2.4 pays scholarships for appliers except the Society’s members
2.3. The Society may independently hold, use and control their financial resources and possessions; may rent, buy, receive as a gift and own space;
2.4. The Society may present candidates for rewards, attestation home and abroad except the Society’s members;
2.5. The Society supports under charity financially or non-financially the following target groups:
2.5.1. large families starting at three (3) children;
2.5.2. young people with fewer opportunities economically, socially or health-wise.
3.1 Membership can be applied for by all Estonian or foreign legal entities or physical individuals whose objectives and activities are in accordance with the Society’s, who have been active at least 6 months and pays membership fee.
3.2 Potential applicant presents a formal statement to the Society’s board in which they obligate to follow the Society’s Basic statue and pay the entrance fee set by the Society’s general assembly
3.3 Membership is decided by the board and confirmed by the general assembly.
3.4 To leave the society a member will present a written statement to the board of the Society, which is formalised the end of the business year. A member is obligated to pay all debts to the Society before leaving.
3.5 when left on their own accord or excluded, the participation fee will not be returned
3.6 A member can be excluded by decision of the board, if:
3.6.1. they have not paid membership fee by the end of the business year;
3.6.2. they have not participated in a general assembly or any of the Society’s events for three years;
3.6.3. they have damaged the Society’s reputation or interests significantly.
3.6. Exclusion of a member is decided by the board on its meeting, notifying the member in writing at least two (2) weeks before the meeting is to take place. The member to be excluded has the right to participate with a right to speak at the meeting.
3.7. The member that has been excluded has the right to request the question to be decided on the following general assembly
3.8. The Society can select honorary members. An honorary member can be an individuaal who has exceptional services in Estonian child welfare. The process of selection is decided by general assembly.
4.1. The rights of members:
4.1.2 select and be selected to governing bodies;
4.1.3 to participate in the Society general assembly;
4.1.4 to participate in preparing the Society’s events;
4.1.5 to receive information on the Society’s activities from the Society’s governing bodies and familiarize themselves with the documentation;
4.1.6 to leave the Society by leaving a written statement at least two weeks prior.
4.1.7 to set candidates for board membership among members or supporters.
4.1.8 be selected through a representative as a board member;
4.1.9 to receive information about the Society’s activities from the board and present projects and applications to the Society in accordance with the Society’s objectives and activities;
4.2. The obligations of the members:
4.2.1. to participate in General Assembly, to follow the basic statue of the Society and follow the Society’s governing body’s decision;
4.2.2. to pay the Society’s membership fee;
4.2.3. to forward to the Society’s board for bookkeeping requested information on their organisation, also contact information on physical individuals according to existing legislation and notify on changes within one (1) month of the change.
4.2.4. to pay membership fee for the year even if application to leave was presented in the middle of the year.
4.2.5. upholding and defending the Society’s reputation;
4.3. Any additional fees for members can be implemented only with the decision of general assembly if 2/3 of general assembly participants vote in favor.
4.4. the Society does not bear financial responsibilities of its members or the Society’s material obligations.
4.5 on the members of the Society may be placed obligations that are not based on the statue, in conjunction with general assembly’s decisions.
5.1. The highest governmental body of the Society is its members’ general assembly that fulfills functions not set by the basic statue to the management board.
5.2. The tasks of only the general assembly are:
5.2.1 adjusting and changing the basic statue;
5.2.2 changing the purposes stated in the Society’s basic statue
5.2.3 electing the director and leaders of the governing body
5.2.4 setting the yearly membership fee and entrance fee;
5.2.5 confirming the annual report of the society (bookkeeping and activity report) and the directions for the following year;
5.2.6 assigning revisionist.
5.3. The general assembly is called together by the management at least once year.
5.3.1 for confirming the annual report of the business year;
5.3.2 in case it is requested in writing by at least 2/10 of the Society’s members;
5.3.3 other cases where interests of the Society demand it.
5.4 General assembly takes place at least once year as seen by legislation or according to need. The meeting is notified 14 calendar days in advance by e-mail. The assembly is decision capable independent from the number of participants.
5.5. The assembly meeting is led by a 3-member board selected by the general assembly.
5.6. Decision of the assembly is accepted if over half of the participants are in favor and law does not foresee a greater majority requirement. Every member has one (1) vote.
5.7. The general assembly decision is considered accepted without a meeting if all Society members vote in writing.
5.8. In order to adjust or change the Basic statue a 2/3 majority of meeting participants is required. All Society members need to be in favor to change the objectives of the Society (consensus). Non-participant members’ vote needs to be produced in writing in such a case.
6.1. In between the general assembly’s the Society’s activity will be led and represented legally by a 3-membered management board.
6.2. The management board’s responsibilities are:
6.2.1 Organising the work of the Society in between general assembly’s;
6.2.2 Leading the Society’s activities, including economic activities, drafting activity plan and annual budget’s and presenting it for confirmation to the general assembly
6.2.3. Signing and ending contracts with employees of the Society.
6.2.4. Using the Society’s assets according to decisions of general assembly;
6.2.5. Organising the bookkeeping and yearly reports of bookkeeping and activity report;
6.2.6. Representing the Society in court or in legal relations with other institutions;
6.3. The general assembly assigns management board for three (3) years. An extraordinary general assembly can call the board back pre-term. In such a case a new board will be selected.
6.4 When a single member of the board is recalled or resigns pre-term, general assembly can assign new member until the end of term.
6.5 Board is legally responsible for damages caused to the Society through their incorrect or incomplete work.
7.1. The Society’s revisionist is assigned by the general assembly.
7.2. Revisionist performs the Society’s revision.
7.3. When annual report is presented to the general assembly a revisionists decision is added to the report.
8.1. Ending, joining or dividing the Society’s actions is done in accordance to NGO laws in conjunction with the decisions of general assembly.
8.2. General assembly decides on the liquidizers.
8.3. Ending, joining and dividing the Society’s actions must be voted for 2/3 of the members who participated or were represented at the general assembly.
8.4. After satisfying the demands of creditors, all remaining possessions will be given to the next organisation in the VAT concession list who works in child welfare
Basic statue has been confirmed by a decision 1st March 1989 on the Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare inauguration meeting.
The change Basis Statue of Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare was adapted on 21st December 2013. on General Assembly of Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare.